the Benefits of Garshana Gloves

At Esty Skin Studio, we are passionate about introducing our clients to effective, holistic practices that enhance wellness and skincare. Garshana, an ancient Ayurvedic dry-massage technique, uses special gloves made from raw silk or linen to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate the body's natural processes. Here’s why we recommend incorporating Garshana gloves into your self-care routine.

What Are Garshana Gloves?

Garshana gloves are designed for a specific type of dry massage that revitalizes the skin and lymphatic system. This traditional practice is perfect for those looking to integrate a natural and invigorating element into their daily regimen.

Key Benefits of Garshana Gloves:

Natural Exfoliation: Using Garshana gloves helps slough off dead skin cells, making your skin smoother and more radiant. This gentle exfoliation also allows your skin to absorb moisturizers and serums more effectively.

Boosted Circulation: The vigorous massage technique enhances blood circulation, delivering increased oxygen and nutrients to the skin, which can help improve tone and texture.

Lymphatic Support: Garshana massage aids the lymphatic system, crucial in detoxifying the body. Regular use can reduce puffiness and contribute to a clearer complexion.

Cellulite Reduction: The stimulating effect of the massage helps break down cellulite over time, leading to smoother skin, especially with consistent use.

Energizing Effect: Many people perform Garshana in the morning due to its energizing properties. The technique can awaken the senses and kickstart your day in a vibrant way.

How to Use Garshana Gloves in Your Routine:

Incorporating Garshana gloves into your routine is straightforward and can be done at home. Here's how to get started:

  • Dry Skin Start: Ensure your skin is dry before beginning the massage.

  • Directional Strokes: Use long strokes towards the heart to enhance circulation and lymph flow.

  • Adjust Pressure: Apply lighter pressure on sensitive areas and firmer pressure on thicker skin, such as the soles of the feet.

  • Routine Integration: We recommend using the gloves several times a week, particularly in the morning, to maximize the benefits.

  • Post-Massage Care: After massaging, take a warm shower to cleanse the skin of any released impurities and finish with your favorite moisturizer to hydrate.

Why Esty Skin Studio Recommends Garshana Gloves:

While we don't carry Garshana gloves at our studio, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge of holistic skincare tools that can be used at home. Garshana gloves stand out as an effective way to enhance skin health and promote a sense of well-being through self-massage.

Interested in learning more about how to integrate Garshana gloves into your skincare routine or looking for personalized skincare advice? Visit us at Esty Skin Studio, and let our experts help you achieve your best skin and wellness goals through holistic practices and professional care.


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